Tuesday, 4th April. Another inernet cafe without a name, Koh Phi Phi, S. Thailand
It's been another few days since we last published. We tried the day before last, but the screen on blogspot didn't work properly for some bizarre reason. Sunset the night we last signed off was stunning, as has every other one since. It's worth pointing out that the sun sets incredibly fast in the tropics. It's glowing orb falls from the sky faster than an epileptic pigeon.
The day of the last post we went to a local beach which was OK, It also happens to be the place of a seriously exclusive resort (ie, several hundred pounds a night). Needless to say the great unwashed (and by this I mean us as well as the French...running joke, see earlier posts) would have been beaten with sticks if we encroached on this haven of the overprivileged. Having said this there were food sellers on the beach, so we could eat (BBQ chicken portion: fantastic), and drink (Singha: same old same old). It was a pretty good place wo while away a few hours.That evening we went to a cracking little restaurant in a hotel which was set as if in the jungle. The tom yam goong was incredible. after this we went to an amazing bar called hte Last Fisherman, on the beach surrounded by cliffs. Truly a lotus-eating haunt if ever there was one
Next day we did some unremarkabe trip, but had a shock that evening as the Last Fisherman had to close at 6pm due to the general election. Not that we had too muchtrouble finding another place to drink as bars were allowed to open if they served food. We ended up in an Irish pub (the shame: drinking in an Irish pub in Thailand!) to watch Newcastle mark their first win whilst we've been away, 3-1 against Spurs. In here we chatted to a guy in a Liverpool top who was from the Lakes adn had a Thai wife sat next to him.
Monday we had a trip on sea kayaks. Funny how an Inuit word like "kayak", first inotonated in the Arctic Cricle has made its way to tropical Thailand. This was great fun, going through mangroves, dodging monkeys, gaining both a film of sweat and an insect-borne disease (not really we hope).
Today we island hopped from the mainland to Phi Phi, an island devastated by the tsunami. Incredibly beautiful, surrounded by limestone cliffs. Our accomodation is up on a hill and we see incredible views. Sunset was unbelievable. You don't believe me? Look at the image I tried to upload:
It doesn't appear to have worked and the cafe is closing imminently. Hey ho
Upshot: we're having an incredible time
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